New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries I have have been lucky enough to have visited. This country is split into two islands, the north and the south. The size is roughly the same as the British Isles. And with just under 5 million inhabitants compared to 9 million in London, it’s sparsely populated

The largest city is Auckland in the north but the capital is Wellington which is in the south of the north island.

Such diverse landscapes can be found, from snow covered mountains, glaciers, fjords, rainforests and not forgetting the volcanoes.

No native mammals can be found here, all the mammals now have been introduced in the past. The Kiwi bird is New Zealand icon and is native to New Zealand.

The Maoris were the first humans on the islands and their culture is found all over the country.

I’ve visited New Zealand twice as we have family down there. First time I was about 11 and we went for about 3 weeks. I visited with my mum, sister and aunt. We stayed with my uncle just outside of Auckland and went on a trip to Rotorua.

Next time was in 2004, this time my mum, dad, now husband and 2 of my aunts went back to visit our family. My 2 aunts stayed with my uncle and we stayed in nearby motels. We first explored Auckland.

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Waitomo caves in the north island is worth a visit.

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All of us took a trip to Rotorua for a few nights. You can find out more below.

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We left my aunts behind in Auckland and took a trip to explore New Zealand’s beautiful south island.

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