
Category: Nordic Countries


An introduction to Iceland A small Nordic country in the north Atlantic ocean. With only a population of 360,000 makes Iceland the most sparsely populated country in Europe. But boy does this country pack a punch with places to see.… Continue Reading…

Whale Watching

  I’m going to incorporate all my whale watching experiences in one post, mainly because even though they were amazing experiences, they are all quite similar.I will apologise for my photography skills, but taking photos of moving animals in water… Continue Reading…

Tromsø, Norway

Tromsø, is located on the west coast of north Norway, 400 km north of the Arctic circle. Most of the city and the vibrant city centre is located on the island of Tromsøya. The beautifully arched Tromsø bridge connects the… Continue Reading…

Things I loved about our Lapland trip

Lapland, an area that covers the northern regions of Scandinavia. Staying about 200 miles north of the arctic circle. We decided to go to during the winter as we were looking forward to the snow. But we were not really… Continue Reading…

Lapland, Finland

Lapland is an area that lies over the northern areas of Sweden, Norway and Finland. Most people associate the area with Christmas, so holidays in Nov & Dec are usually quite popular. This far north this area experiences long summers,… Continue Reading…